A prerequisite for using the cleanroom tools is that a cleanroom staff member has given the necessary instruction or training. This includes basic instruments such as hotplates and microscopes. For all training requests, please read the prerequisites below and afterwards contact A cleanroom staff member will typically respond within one workday. Do not contact individual staff members for training.
Once the user has completed the training, they are given booking rights in the cleanroom booking system. However, after a certain period of inactivity (typically 90 days) on a given tool, the booking rights will expire and the user will need to be retrained in order to continue using the tool.
Bruker Dimension Icon Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
- Have a sample ready that you want to characterise. Think about what you want to learn about the sample; step heights, roughness, etc.
- Only ask for training if you plan on using the tool regularly.
- Training is usually 2-3 sessions of 1.5 hours.
Elionix 7000 (100 kV)
- You must be at least a Master student or signed up for a long term (>6 months) project to be allowed to use the tool.
- Elionix is a high level tool. Make sure you are already trained to:
- enter the cleanroom;
- use the microscope, spinner, asher;
- SEM training is mandatory
- You'll need 4 sessions to get trained on this tool.
- Session 1 ( 1 hr.) - teaches you how to load/unload the sample and how to condition the beam.
- Session 2 ( 3 hr.) - involves exposing alignment marks and test patterns (any design: preferably one half of the overlay ,so to understand alignment later ).
- Session 3 ( 3 hr.) - involves using the exposed alignment marks for marker registration and exposing the 2nd pattern (i.e. the 2nd half of the overlay pattern).
- Session 4 involves exposing a "real" pattern on a "real" chip on your own to gain access.
Before any training slots are booked on the tool you'll need all of the following prepared:
- Shadow senior users on the tool 2-3 times.
- Get access to SEM tool
- Chip (comfortable to handle) spin coated with resist .This chip will be used for sessions 1 & 2. Please be aware of the coating and baking parameters for the resist.
- Any test design is preferred which has marks, overlay patterns that you will use to test alignment precision between two lithography steps. A Vernier pattern is commonly used. Feel free to test your ideas. Make sure you have something for both x and y directions.
- Convert your design files into the Elionix exposure format .co7. This can be done using Beamer in 4th floor design computers.
- Make sure all write fields are entirely in the positive coordinate space.
- Make sure neither exposure will take longer than 15 minutes at 500 pA current and dose of 1000 uC/cm2.
Elionix F-125 (125 kV at QuanTech)
- Please contact Zhe Liu (
Heidelberg upg501
- Have a design file ready. GDS, DXF or CIF format works fine. Make sure you are familiar with the design before your actual session.
- Have a chip spin coated with an appropriate photoresist before the training session.
- The photoresist is sensitive to white light. Use the yellow filter on the microscopes. The light source in the both scribers is white and will already expose your resist.
- What is your project alias? If unsure, contact your supervisor first.
Before the training session:
- Watch the instruction video and read the standard operating procedure on the Heidelberg µPG 501 tool page
Raith e-Line
- A design (gds, dxf, cif) for sessions 1 & 2 with:
- 4 alignment crosses (find out what marks work on the tool from your sub-group).
- Something to break the symmetry so you can tell chip orientation with your bare eye.
- A pattern that you will use to test overlay (alignment between two lithography steps). A Vernier pattern is commonly used. Feel free to test your ideas.
- Something creative, somethin fun :) This is an exercise in learning CAD as well.
- What is your project alias? If unsure, contact your supervisor first.
JEOL 7800-F
- Training takes about 2-3 sessions.
- You need a chip/sample to be imaged before a session is booked.
- Be familiar with the materials on the sample to be imaged and what feature is it that is of critical interest -- something that makes or breaks your device.
- Request the training session only once you have gathered the chips and information.
- What is your project alias? If unsure, contact your supervisor first.
JEOL 7800-F prime (QuanTech)
- Please contact Zhe Liu (
AJA metallization, sputtering or ion milling
Send an email with the following info before the training can be arranged:
- The name of the person you have shadowed and the number of times you've done it.
- Confirm that you have a sample ready.
- Which tool you want to use: AJA1 or AJA2?
- What process do you want to run ?
- Either the recipe name or specify the required process parameters.
- What is your project alias? If unsure, contact your supervisor first.
Before the training session:
- Watch the instruction video on how to load/unload and read the standard operating procedures on the AJA Systems tool page
ALD 1 & 2
Send an email with the following info before the training can be arranged:
- The name of the person you have shadowed and the number of times you've done it.
- Confirm that you have a sample ready.
- Which tool you want to use.
- What process steps you want to run.
- Either the recipe name or all required process parameters.
- How long does the process take.
- What is your project alias? If unsure, contact your supervisor first.
Before the training session:
- Watch the instruction video(s) and read the standard operating procedure on the ALD tool page.
PLASSYS Evaporator
Send an email with the following info before the training can be arranged:
- The name of the person you have shadowed and the number of times you've done it.
- Confirm that you have a sample ready.
- Specify the required process parameters( material, thickness, tilt etc)
- What is your project alias? If unsure, contact your supervisor first.
- You'll need 3 sessions to get trained on this tool.
- Session 1 ( 1 hr.) - teaches you how to load/unload the sample and how to run a recipe.
- Session 2 ( 2 hr.) - how to create your own recipe and run the process.
- Session 3 ( 3 hr.) - sign off session
F&S autobonder
- Shadow colleagues using the tool 2-3 times.
- You must have a chip for bonding.
- Figure out which daughterboard is it that your team/fridge needs.
- Have a colleague show your how to glue the chip to the daughterboard with silver paint, PMMA or whatever is specific to your measurement.
- What is your project alias? If unsure, contact your supervisor first.
- Request a training session at this point.
Filmetrics reflectometer
- Please contact Zhe Liu (
- Please get trained within your research group first. Then request a sign-off session.
- What is your project alias? If unsure, contact your supervisor first.