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Cleanroom meetings

The cleanroom staff and stake holders usually meet on Fridays at 12:30pm (HCØ 1st floor, room 03-1-114). Users who have special requests or would like to discuss a cleanroom issue can join such a meeting; contact staff or drop by.


Name Position Office Phone Email
Claus B. Sørensen Technical head 03.02.216 28 75 04 49 cbs@nbi.ku.dk
Martin Saurbrey Bjergfelt Cleanroom Manager 03.2.212 23 81 08 93 martin.bjergfelt@nbi.ku.dk
Nader Payami Chemical process engineer 03.2.214 28 75 04 50 nap@nbi.ku.dk
Smitha Nair Themadath Senior Research Associate 03.2.212 50 31 40 55 smitha.nair@nbi.ku.dk
Zhe Liu Process Specialist 03.2.214 52 82 55 55 zhe.liu@nbi.ku.dk
Marianne Lund Jensen Laborant 03.3. 40 49 90 37 mljensen@nbi.ku.dk
Henriette Lerche safety coordinator Blegdamsvej 17, Ka1 51 29 83 37 hlerche@nbi.ku.dk
Charles Marcus Professor 03.4.406 20 34 11 81 marcus@nbi.ku.dk
Jesper Nygård Professor 03.4.410 24 62 61 20 nygard@nbi.ku.dk


Current price lists as of 2022 April 1: