Examples of SLURM scripts

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Revision as of 14:18, 15 November 2023 by Philip (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Here is examples of simple SLURM scripts for running serial, OpenMP and MPI jobs. Note that a very nice introduction to running SLURM scripts exist at https://hpc.ku.dk/documentation/slurm.html. <h2> Simple Batch Script For Running Serial Programs </h2> Submission scripts are really just shell scripts (here we use bash syntax) with a few additional variable specifications at the beginning. These are prefixed with "#SBATCH" and otherwise use the same keywords and syn...")
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Here is examples of simple SLURM scripts for running serial, OpenMP and MPI jobs.

Note that a very nice introduction to running SLURM scripts exist at https://hpc.ku.dk/documentation/slurm.html.

Simple Batch Script For Running Serial Programs

Submission scripts are really just shell scripts (here we use bash syntax) with a few additional variable specifications at the beginning. These are prefixed with "#SBATCH" and otherwise use the same keywords and syntax as the command line options described for the sbatch command. The following script presents a minimal example:

#SBATCH --job-name=isothermal     # shows up in the output of 'squeue'
#SBATCH --partition=astro_devel   # specify the partition to run on
srun  /bin/echo "Hello World!" 

Specifying Mail Notifications And Manage Output And Error Files: You can enable e-Mail notification on various events, this can be specified via the --mail-type option which takes the following values: BEGIN, END, FAIL, REQUEUE and ALL.

#SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL
#SBATCH --output=/astro/username/que/job.%J.out
#SBATCH --error=/astro/username/que/job.%J.err

The standard output and error can be written to specific files with the --output and --error commands. By default, both files are directed to a file of the name slurm-%j.out, where the %j is replaced with the job number.

Simple Batch Script For Running MPI-Parallel Jobs

Note: The following example script assumes that you submit the script from the directory where the code will be executed (the path to that directory is stored in the $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR environment variable, and is where SLURM will execute the script from).

# SLURM resource specifications
# (use an extra '#' in front of SBATCH to comment-out any unused options)
#SBATCH --job-name=isothermal   # shows up in the output of 'squeue'
#SBATCH --time=4-23:59:59       # specify the requested wall-time
#SBATCH --partition=astro_long  # specify the partition to run on
#SBATCH --nodes=4               # number of nodes allocated for this job
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=20    # number of MPI ranks per node
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1       # number of OpenMP threads per MPI rank
##SBATCH --exclude=<node list>  # avoid nodes (e.g. --exclude=node786)

# Load default settings for environment variables
module load astro

# If required, replace specific modules
# module unload intelmpi
# module load mvapich2

# When compiling remember to use the same environment and modules

# Execute the code
srun <executable> [args...]

Simple Batch Script For Jobs Using OpenMP Only

Note: The following example script assumes that you submit the script from the directory where the code will be executed (the path to that directory is stored in the $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR environment variable).

Note: By choosing --cpus-per-task=40 along with --threads-per-core=2, you have assumed that your program will take advantage of hyper threading. If this is not the case, or you are uncertain, use --cpus-per-task=20 along with --threads-per-core=1, and your program will be executed with 20 threads.

# Define SLURM resource specifications
# (use an extra '#' in front of SBATCH to comment-out any unused options)
#SBATCH --job-name=isothermal   # shows up in the output of 'squeue'
#SBATCH --time=4-23:59:59       # specify the requested wall-time
#SBATCH --partition=astro_long  # specify the partition to run on
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=40      # total number of threads
#SBATCH --threads-per-core=2     # threads per core (hyper-threading)
##SBATCH --exclude=<node list>  # avoid nodes (e.g. --exclude=node786)

# Load default settings for environment variables
module load astro

# OpenMP affinity
# no hyperthreading
# export KMP_AFFINITY="granularity=core,scatter,1,0"
# hyperthreading
export KMP_AFFINITY="granularity=thread,scatter,1,0" 

# When compiling remember to use the same environment

# Execute the code
srun --cpu_bind=threads <executable> [args...]

Hybrid MPI + OpenMP Batch Script

Note: The following example script assumes that you submit the script from the directory where the code will be executed (the path to that directory is stored in the $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR environment variable, and is where SLURM will execute the script from).

# Define SLURM resource specifications
# (use an extra '#' in front of SBATCH to comment-out any unused options)
#SBATCH --job-name=isothermal   # shows up in the output of 'squeue'
#SBATCH --time=4-23:59:59       # specify the requested wall-time
#SBATCH --partition=astro_long  # specify the partition to run on
#SBATCH --nodes=32              # number of nodes allocated for this job
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8     # lower than the usual 20 for MPI only 
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=5       # number of CPUs per MPI rank
#SBATCH --threads-per-core=2     # threads per core (hyper-threading)
##SBATCH --exclude=<node list>  # avoid nodes (e.g. --exclude=node786)

# Load default settings for environment variables
module load astro

# OpenMP affinity
export KMP_AFFINITY="granularity=thread,scatter,1,0"

# If required, replace specific modules
# module unload intelmpi
# module load mvapich2

# When compiling remember to use the same environment and modules

# Execute the code
srun --cpu_bind=threads <executable> [args...]