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ERDA Is A File System Provided By The University Of Copenhagen: It can be accessed through your webbrowser at It is very easy to create an account using your KU credentials (Swedish number plate). The full documentation for ERDA is currently located at ""

Mount ERDA In Dolphin On The Astro Cluster

You can mount your ERDA home folder in Dolphin (The default file manager on the cluster). To add ERDA to Dolphin you should:

  1. Enable the Places panel in Dolphin- To enable the Places panel you either hit F9 or go to the dropdown menu View > Panels and check the Places option.
  2. Add entry- Once the Places panels is enabled right-click anywhere inside the panel and select Add entry
  3. Add entry dialog box- In the dialog box enter the following path into the Location field: davs:// and optionally enter a name for the entry in the Description field. Click OK
  4. Enter credentials and establish connection- Once you click on your ERDA entry in the Places panel a dialog box will appear. In the Username field enter your ERDA username (usually the same as your KUnet mail). In the Password field you must enter your WebDAVS password. You can choose this password under Settings > WebDAVS on the ERDA website