First steps

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Revision as of 08:14, 15 January 2024 by Haugboel (talk | contribs)
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To start using Tycho, please follow these steps

  • Get a user account by contacting a sponsor and signing up at

You have to select "Astro" as your group. Remember to sign the rules-of-conduct-form

  • If you have received the old welcome e-mail without a link to this wiki, the info is not correct. You should never login to, but instead use the Tycho-specific frontends called (see Hardware for an up to date list of available frontends / Analysis hardware).
  • Add module load astro to you $HOME/.bashrc file to have access to all the custom installed software. You can read more about the module command.
  • Consider changing umask 077 to umask 027 in $HOME/.bashrc to allow collaborators and/or your supervisor read access to your files when logged in to the cluster.
  • If you are going to travel, but want to continue working on Tycho while you are travelling, you need to set up a Dynamic Firewall before traveling. You can do so by following the detailed instructions here
  • Every user has a 50 GB quota for the home folder (/groups/astro/yourusername. Whenever you are going to be working with large amounts of data, considering using the /lustre/astro/yourusername directory. This scratch folder is residing on a ZFS based high performance Lustre filesystem with dedicated hardware for our group. No quotas are enforced and the total space (disregarding the transparent compression) is 1300 TB.